Monday, March 31, 2014


We had an extra little project to take care of this weekend.  When I added the new water line for the refrigerator, I noticed that there was a water leak under the house.   The leak was from a drain line connected to the kitchen sink.   The location was very strange though since if you stand directly under the sink there is no drain line there.   The pipes apparently turn right and run over to the wall about 3-4 ft before turning and going down into the craw space.  This meant that the leak seems to be actually in the wall somewhere.  We had Mr. Rooter quote on fixing the problem.  He thought the cabinets needed to be removed to find the leak.  Lucky we are replacing them...

I could not find exactly where the leak was, but it was obvious it was somewhere in this section.  I used a saws-all to cut it out.  After getting the section out you could see a big long crack down the pipe on the back side of it.    There was a metal hanging bracket that was very rusty and broke.  When that failed, it let the pipe fall about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch which cracked the pipe.  We are not sure how long it has been leaking.   We were very lucky that the water that fell out didn't get any wood wet.  It fell into a little depression in the crawl space.

I built a new pipe assembly that installed it in a couple hours.   

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